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Frequently Asked Questions About a Celebrant-Led Ceremony


Updated: May 1, 2023

What is the difference between a wedding celebrant and a registrar

A registrar provides the legal administration and a celebrant can officiate your unique, bespoke wedding ceremony wherever you want it to be. The choice is yours if you choose a celebrant.However, a celebrant can not marry you legally. You need to book the registry office for the legal part before or after your celebrant led ceremony!

What is the difference between a celebrant led ceremony and humanist ceremony?

A Humanist led ceremony does not contain anything spiritual, however a celebrant let ceremony can include symbolic rituals and spiritual or religious references. A celebrant let ceremony can bring together different faiths and beliefs. Celebrant led ceremonies are totally flexible and personal, bespoke celebrations of you love for each other.

Will you write the ceremony for us?

Absolutely, that is what I do.

Together we will discuss the order of your ceremony and I can suggest symbolic rituals you might want to consider- like ring blessing or a sand ceremony. I can help you write your vows and we can consider readings and poems for the ceremony.

Can we write our own vows and choose our own readings?

Yes, you can write your own vows or I can help you to find vows or readings suitable for your ceremony. You might want to use lyrics form a song or an extract form a chapters of a book you both love.

Do you officiate multi-faith wedding ceremonies?

Absolutely, as a celebrant I officiate multi-faith weddings and I would love to create a ceremony that can blend your faiths and believes. We can incorporate aspects of your faiths and believes into the ceremony.

Do you need to meet us before the wedding day?

I would love to meet you to discuss your plans for the wedding in detail and I would love to meet before the big day for a rehearsal at the venue if possible. Due to Covid restrictions we might have to be content to meet using virtual tools like zoom or Teams. However, a walk through the ceremony in person before the big day would be great for us all to make sure we are singing from the same sheet on the day.


Do you cater for LGBTQ+ weddings?

Yes, I do. I am happy to officiate weddings regardless of your sexuality. I l love being an all-inclusive celebrant and I embrace diversity.

Your love story matters to me and how you want to celebrate your love for each other.

How far in advance do you we book you?

As far in advance as you like.

Obviously once you have made up your mind that you want to work with me you pay a booking fee and this will secure the date for you. Your booking fee ensures that I am yours for as long as you want me on the day.I only book 1 ceremony per day to avoid being stressed and rushed. I am all yours!

Can we bring our fur baby to the ceremony?

If the venue allows pets, I will welcome your fur baby and I might even have an important job for your pet. Your pet could be the ring bearer or the dog of honour. How about being let down the aisle by your special friend? If you want family members, fury or non fury involved in your ceremony I will try to accommodate as long a s the venue is ok about this. I can recommend a dog chaperone to take care of the dog when you are otherwise engaged!!

What type of ceremony do you recommend?

I will officiate elopements and micro weddings as personal and intimate as you prefer. However, if you want to push the boat out and want to have the epic celebration you have ever dreamed of, I am happy to support you. I would love to write your unique love story!!

Why don’t you get in touch and book a zoom meeting with me to see if we can work together to make your celebration extra special?

Ready to Write your Bespoke Ceremony in Cornwall
Ready to Write your Bespoke Ceremony in Cornwall

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